Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Involving people to protect wild bees and other pollinators in the Mediterranean
Project duration: 1.10.2019 - 30.9.2023
The aim of the project is to gain environmental benefits by improving pollinator conservation, by creating a virtuous circuit that leads to a progressive change in practices across the Mediterranean region. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the project has set a number of more specific objectives that foster education and dissemination, the implementation of citizen science approaches, and improved environmental governance. The specific objectives of LIFE 4 POLLINATORS are:
- Raise citizens and stakeholders awareness on the decline of wild pollinators and the importance of pollination services for the functioning and health of ecosystems and agroecosystems.
- Promote attitudes and behaviours in favour of native wild pollinators.
- Enhance citizens’ participation in data collection and greening actions to increase their contribution to biodiversity knowledge and ecosystem conservation/restoration.
- Improve the general knowledge of 1) native Mediterranean wild pollinators and entomophilous plants; 2) their interactions, and 3) alien invasive species, by citizen science monitoring activities.
- Improve the use of greening infrastructures, promote free-pesticides agriculture and pollinator-friendly practices in rural and urban environments, involving farmers, farmers consultants and other stakeholders concerned in the management of urban green public spaces.
- Promote better environmental governance transferring data to concerned authorities and stimulating the development of pollinator strategies or action plans in the MS (= Member States) where they are missing (IT, GR, ES)
- Create a participatory and interactive database on wild pollinators, improving environmental information availability and sharing in the Mediterranean zone. This information regards the interactions between pollinators and plants, which represent highly informative data for practical conservation purposes.
- Improve biodiversity knowledge on the Mediterranean area: the information gathered will partially contribute to go beyond the gap of knowledge on pollinator diversity and status that characterises the Mediterranean area.
- Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
- Federazione Regionale Coldiretti Emilia Romagna
- Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)
- State Agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- E-Institute
- University of the Aegean – Research Unit
- University of Vigo
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.