Project information
PROJECT TITLE: CAESAR (CApacitating Energy efficiency in Small Alpine EnteRprises)
Project content
The implementation of effective energy efficiency (EE) measures in enterprises is a key element to reach Europe's energy and climate targets 2030. Enterprises account for approximately 1/3 of Europe's energy consumption. Improving EE in enterprises therefore contributes significantly to the decarbonisation of the economy and the achievement of the climate goals, while at the same time increasing competitiveness and reducing costs. Large companies are already obliged to conduct energy audits (e.g. EN16247) to determine energy saving potentials. SMEs, and especially very small enterprises, are often put off by a lack of know-how or fears of excessive costs/concerns about the quality of the audits. CAESAR project aims at addressing the potential that lies herein. The consortium will establish and maintain a network of stakeholders with the purpose of rolling out EE policies in SMEs. It will set the basis for the successful qualification of stakeholders (policy makers, enterprises, energy agencies, auditors) in the regions to set up and accompany EE measures in enterprises. It will define the benchmarks for enterprises and create and distribute a low-barrier energy efficiency auditing tool designed for the needs of all regions of the Alpine Space and the requirements of small enterprises. “Energy tutors" will be trained and will gain the competences needed to help SMEs improving EE.
Key results
- Established EUSALPS network of key stakeholders for rolling out energy efficiency measures in SMEs
- Creation of energy efficiency auditing tool for assessing EE of SMEs and defining measures for improvement
- Setting-up transnational benchmarking model for energy efficiency of SMEs
- Training of energy tutors and awareness-raising among SMEs and intermediate bodies
Funding: The project is co-financed by the European Union (Alpine Region Preparatory Action Funds - ARPAF)
Project partners:
- Agency for Energy South Tyrol – CasaClima (IT, lead partner)
- ClusterAgentur BW (DE)
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT)
- Energy Tirol (AT)
- E-institute (SI)
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment (F – observer)
- Autonomous Province of Trento, Provincial Agency for Water Resources and Energy (IT – observer)
- Infrastrutture Lombarde SpA (IT – observer)
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This project is co-financed by the European Union |