Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Introducing circular economy system to Alpine Space to achieve low-carbon targets”
Project duration: 36 months (01.11.2016. – 31.10.2019)
The project GREENCYCLE aims to introduce the system of circular economy (replace linear) as a holistic approach to support implementation of low-carbon strategies and provide additional 2-4% greenhouse emission reduction to the partner cities. Circular economy deployment will save energy, water, recover critical raw materials, reduce transport, boost the eco-innovation, create green jobs and benefit to low income citizens, which is directly in line with priority 2 of the ASP. Cities as biggest emissions producers and biggest energy and materials consumers will play the pioneering role by developing circular economy implementation strategies where key target groups (utilities, SMEs, citizens, research organizations) will be actively involved in the process.
Supporting toolbox will be developed as an e-tool which will enable planning, management and monitoring of circular economy processes and will be made publicly available. Important part of project is dedicated to pilot project implementation where partner cities will deploy circular economy approach in real-case scenarios to test and evaluate the toolbox. In order to be effective, circular economy requires critical size of market and critical mass of materials which will be enabled by macro-regional approach.
A transnational platform will be set up as a circular economy marketplace for materials and cooperation platform for further development of circular economy in Alpine Space. A platform will contribute to the lasting impact of the project with the active network membership of responsible local circular economy managers. Partner cities will become a circular economy lighthouse role-models and will actively involve other Alpine Space cities and/or regions to follow.
- Municipality of Maribor (lead partner)
- E-zavod
- Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau
- Marktgemeinde Goetzis
- Comune di Trento
- Informatica Trentina Spa
- Rhônalpénergie-Environnement
- Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays Viennois
- CESBA Alps
- Liechtemstein Institute for Strategic Development
This project is co-financed with 1.654.330,98 € by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.