Project information
PROJECT TITLE: GREEN and smart Mobility INDustry innovation
Project duration: 1.2.2018 – 1.8.2020
The Green mind project fosters the development of economic COMPETITIVENESS and INNOVATION in the GREEN AND SMART MOBILITY industry by reinforcing regional and transnational cooperation between businesses, research bodies and authorities.
Being active in a context of fast technological advancements and increasingly restrictive environmental policies, Green mind strengthens the transnational activities of clusters and agencies to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in exploiting and identifying market opportunities and tapping the raising demand for green and smart mobility products and services in key mobility sectors such as transport and logistics, automotive, energy and IT.
Main objectives
- Testing new market intelligence, public funding screening and B2B matchmaking services for SMEs
- Building a transferable model of the aforesaid services for clusters and agencies
- Setting up a transnational innovation network involving authorities, industry and academia
- Delivering a policy support programme to mainstream the project results based on the Smart Specialisation Strategies of the involved regions
- SIPRO, Economic development agency (Italy)
- CERTH, Centre for research and technology Hellas (Greece)
- ASCC, Andalusia Smart City Cluster – Multi-sector innovative business association for smart cities (Spain)
- AFT, Association for the development of professional training in transport and logistics (France)
- IDA, Istrian Development Agency (Croatia)
- SERDA, Sarajevo Economic Regional Development Agency (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
- E-zavod, (Slovenija)
- SDC, County of Split-Dalmatia (Croatia)
The project activities have been also dedicated to implementation of pilot project. We have tested the tools for public institutions and mobility companies needed in everyday business. The documentation is available at links below and is adapted to our legislation and Slovenian market requirements:
The tool is only in Slovenian language. We do not give any guarantees for the correctness of the financial calculations and do not accept any responsibility for its use. Please contact us in case of problems.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.