Project summary
The competitiveness of a region in the global environment can be determined through the cost of production and the quality of goods and services produced. The cost of wages per worked hour, cost of the machine per hour, the cost of raw materials and energy are the main parameters that can be influenced to some extent. However, the essential are costs per produced unit. Comparison of regions with a high level of wages and international regions is possible with assumption that the product is manufactured and sold at a competitive price. This required the formula as follows: more efficient, more effective and more intelligent. Referring to the parameter "energy", measures of optimization are required according to the method of the produce energy (renewable energy, synergetic binding systems), energy stocks (tank, fuel cells, etc.), the distribution of energy (smart grids), as well as the use of energy (smart production, smart metering - feedback, smart homes). The possibility of effective and efficient use of energy extends from the manufactures through distributors of energy all the way to the consumers. The objective is to optimize the integrated system and process, which requires integration. Particularly promising is the use of so-called transverse technologies. These technologies cannot be limited to one particular branch of industry, but widespread used in all branches of information and communication technology, automation, material sciences, bio and nanotechnology, etc.
The target groups of the project are science and economy. Science gets the opportunity to explore and guidance in strategic topics in the field of energy efficiency, efficient use of energy and the basis for the implementation of intelligent technologies.
Main Goals
Project efforts are focused on the promotion of cooperation between companies and research institutions in the field of sustainable energy technologies. Cooperation is a condition for make cross-border technology platform, which will be included in the international network.
The project thematic center of gravity is renewable energy, efficient energy use, energy production, energy distribution and intelligent manufacturing technology.
Main outputs
- Identification of research area – establishment of the building blocks for creation of the energy research center.
- Assembling the design center for energy exploration – transregional innovative space with cooperative partnership between both regions - appointment of a legal entity to carry out research projects.
- Creating the negotiating road map for the acquisition and beginning of the first pilot projects in defined areas of research.