Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Developing community based innovative business models for the revival of the internal areas in the Mediterranean
Project Acronym: REVIVE
Programme Priority: Smarter MED
About the project
Project Summary
In the last decades, the internal territories of the Mediterranean have been affected by steady
depopulation processes that have led people to move to urban and coastal areas with a higher concentration of economic activities. Low economic dynamism, scarce public services, lack of job opportunities, poor digitalization and accessibility are the main challenges that make the internal areas more vulnerable.
REVIVE project fits into this context, by building on participatory and capacity building approaches to reinforce the collaboration among quadruple helix stakeholders, strengthen the cohesion of communities and co-design innovative and integrated solutions to common challenges. Through a transnational cooperation and coordination project partners will develop and test collaborative economic models through the creation of Innovative Community Cooperatives with the aim of developing interconnected products and services for the supply chains of existing economic sectors. In parallel, the project will co-design a set of digital services and test the application of advanced technologies through the creation of Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs. The MDIHs will then be integrated in the REVIVE transnational cluster of Innovative Community Cooperatives that will jointly provide concrete solutions for creating new business opportunities, encourage people to live and invest in these areas.
In its final phase the project will provide a transferring framework that will set the basis for upscaling of results, strengthen the cohesion and promote the transition towards competitive,
innovative and resilient ecosystems of the internal territories of the transnational cooperation area.
Project Goal
The main objective of the project is to implement innovative solutions for a sustainable economy with the aim of accelerating the transition towards competitive, sustainable and resilient ecosystems in the internal areas of the Mediterranean Regions.
Project Specific Objectives
Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies.
Key Project Activities
- Pilot framework set up: analysis of existing policies, innovation ecosystems and economic models in pilot areas, existing GP assessment and previous experiences output integration, stakeholders group set up (SG), methodology set up.
- Collaborative economy business models innovation: engagement and community participation, local pilots action plans co-design, transnational pilot exchange, pilot testing, pilot evaluation,
- Mediterranean Digital Innovation Hubs: MED Digital innovation hubs (MDIHs) set up and digital laboratories for improving skills, building immersive experiences, data integration.
- Scaling out and sustainability: coordination with the mission’s governance projects (TCP & IDP) and JS, carbon footprint monitoring and offsetting, scaling out of project results, project closure.
Project Duration: 33 months (1.1.2024 – 30.9.2026)
List of Project Partners
- Larnaca and Famagusta Districts Development Agency (Cyprus) - LEADING PARTNER
- National Research Council – CNR (Italy)
- Institute of Agriculture and Tourism - IPTPO (Croatia)
- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Mallorca - MCC (Spain)
- National Association of Italian Municipalities - Tuscany - ANCI Toscana (Italy)
- Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in South East Europe - SWG RRD (North Macedonia)
- Development Agency of South Aegean Region - READ S.A. (Greece)
- Balearic Islands Agency for Tourism - AETIB (Spain)
- E-institute (Lead Partner) – Slovenia
Project Funding
- Total Project Budget: €2,380,000
- Total EU Contribution: €1,904,000