- Mac Village
- MD.net
- trAIls
- CESBA Alps
- The4BEES
- Urban Soil for Food
Project information
Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project PlaNET SOEN3 wants to engage young people towards a meaningful economic and social participation in their communities. Almost all activities and whole project lead to this specific objective, to engage young people from small cities and rural areas. Recent studies have demonstrated that the social background of young individuals strongly determines their social participation. Especially young people that live out of towns, on rural areas have a lower participation rate in key elements of social and economic engagement that include:
- activity (doing something),
- interaction (at least two people need to be involved in this activity),
- social exchange (the activity involves giving or receiving something from others)
- lack of compulsion (there is no outside force forcing an individual to engage in the activity).
In this project at least 100 young people, 10 youth workers and 10 teachers will be engaged into social and economic activities. They will be implemented through physical and virtual trainings in school participatory budget, municipal participatory budget, local trainings, international job shadowing and transnational meetings.
The project duration is: 32 month – from 1st of January 2021 to 31st August 2023.
Project partners are as follows:
- Lead partner: Agency for development of Gemer region Hmušta, Slovakia
- Partner 2: Stowarzyszenie Edukacja przez Internet Kielce, Poland
- Partner 3: Local development agency PINS Skrad, Croatia
- Partner 4: E-institute Ptuj / School center Šentjur, Slovenia
Project information
PROJECT TITTLE: HUB-IN – Hubs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the Transformation of Historic Urban Areas
HUB-IN is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission. Its aim is to promote the urban transformation and regeneration of historic urban areas (HUA) using as main catalyst the innovation and entrepreneurship, while preserving their unique identity social and cultural identity and the environment.
HUB-IN is expected to contribute to reversal of trends of abandonment and neglect of historic heritage in a systemic way through innovation and the creation of networks of Hubs (local innovation ecosystem networks). HUB-IN will also have a direct impact on the creation of new sustainable opportunities for local traditional businesses and for the development of new creative skills and jobs.
What are Hubs?
Hubs are centres of experimentation in urban innovation and creativity in historic European areas. They are part of the innovation and sustainability ecosystem of the cities, responding to the critical societal challenges, establishing the bridge between Science – Technology and Art – Culture.
The project will be implemented in 8 pilot cities. The emphasis of the project is on co-creation and collaboration among different actors in each HUA and between partner cities.
HUB-IN has 3 main stages:
- In the first stage, cross-fertilized and connected Hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship will be developed in each of the eight European cities with different characteristics in terms of their local urban regeneration agendas (tailored roadmaps), their socio-economic characteristics and dynamics of their innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. At the city level, each of the 8 Historic Urban Area comprises its own ecosystem and local network: fab labs, innovation centres, universities, cultural centres, local associations, start-ups, citizens, and local communities etc.
- In the second stage, we will create a network between the eight HUAs to build an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship across the eight cities, where for example a local fab lab from one HUA could share knowledge and innovation with another fab lab or innovation centre from another HUA.
- In the third stage, we will extend the collaborative network of Historic Urban Areas. The resulting methods and tools will be upscaled to a network of at least 20-50 follower cities.
in a structured way through:
- HUB-IN Digital Space a web-tool gathering all the main resources of the project and hosting each of the eight Hubs. It will be a platform for collaboration and innovation ecosystem intra and inter cities. It will include dedicated sections for cities, companies, solutions, methodologies, and replication-enabling tools, as well as state-of-the-art matchmaking features for cities, businesses, and the HUB-In Academy.
- The HUB-IN Academy, a broad educational program focused on learning through peer-to-peer networking (mentoring and shadowing), including learning and mentorship sessions, training seminars (webinars, master classes, conferences, video tutorials and infographics, podcasts etc.).
- The HUB-IN Toolkit for cities to foster innovation in their Historic Areas.
- The HUB-IN Alliance, a network of historic urban areas, and a place for sharing views and experiences in delivering sustainable hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship. The network will take advantage of being a global community and, simultaneously, of being local to explore, in a sustainable way, the different local contexts, the authenticity, the culture and heritage of each HUA.
Project information
PROJECT TITTLE: BLUE CROWDFUNDING- Capacity Building of BLUE Economy Stakeholders to Effectively use CROWDFUNDING.
Project is focused on the fact, that Blue economy innovation in Mediterranean could be significantly improved, if more investment funds would be available. One possible solution is use of Crowdfunding (CF), but in MED area knowledge and capacities for CF are still low in comparison to North EU. Project general objective is to improve innovation capacities in blue growth sector by mainstreaming use of crowdfunding. Additional project’s ambition is to trigger change from using public funds for innovation to use crowdfunding and crowdsourcing to fund, test and validate innovative blue economy products and services. Consequently blue-economy SMEs will get better access to funding and will be able to deliver better and more innovative solutions.
- Capacity building of blue economy SMEs on how to use CF;
- Transnational blue-crowdfunding cluster with developed CF services;
- Mainstreaming the international CF trainings in business support institutions;
- Mainstreaming policy change and recognition of using civic crowdfunding in regions.
- Toolkit for blue economy alternative financing
- 15 innovative blue growth SMEs ideas supported by crowdfunding campaigns
- Blue crowdfunding cluster
- Regional action plans on mainstreaming blue crowdfunding
Lead partner: E-Institute - Institute for comprehensive Development solutions (SI)
Project partners:
- Network of the insular CCI of the European Union
- Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Seville
- Crowdpolicy
- Goteo foundation
- University of Algarve – CRIA - Division of Entrepreneurship and TechnologyTransfer
- Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- European Crowdfunding Network
- Council of Vlora region
- Campania Region
- Marche Region- Fish Economy, Trade and Consumer Protection Unit
- Faculty of Economics and Businesses, University of Rijeka
- Region of Central Macedonia, Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support
Project value: 2,112,691.00 €
Project is supported by the INTERREG MED Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts: 1,996,946.50 €
Project duration: 11.2019-06.2022
Project information
PROJECT TITTLE: ALTRUISTIC ENTREPRENEUR, CE Sustainable model to support social entrepreneurship
Project “ALTRUISTIC ENTREPRENEUR aims to improve skills and entrepreneurial competences for advancing economic and social innovation in Central Europe. It is primarily motivated by the lack of long-term support for social entrepreneurs.
Innovativeness of proposed approach is based on mobilization of successful entrepreneurs’ willingness to support social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Those socially responsible entrepreneurs in CE who would like to offer their resources to social entrepreneurs and are genuinely altruistic, we named - ALTRU-PRENEURS. In cooperation with social entrepreneurs, they would create a self-sustainable framework for reaching their goals.
The project will allow a transnational mutual learning process of partners with different experiences, but similar challenges. During this project the partners will:
1. Develop and implement three strategic documents for improving skills and competences
- CE roadmap for upscaling support to social entrepreneurship sector
- CE sustainable framework model supporting specifics of social entrepreneurship
- Policy recommendations.
2. Develop and implement four tools for improving skills and competences
- CE support and networking platform with related tools
- Altru-preneurs’ international association
- Coaching toolbox for social entrepreneurs
- Coaching toolbox for altru-preneurs (mentors).
3. Implement seven pilot actions for testing developed bottom-up support tools.
Lead partner: E-Institute - Institute for comprehensive Development solutions (SI)
Project partners:
- Metropolitan City of Bologna (IT)
- Ikosom – Institute for communication and social media (DE)
- Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (IT)
- Brodoto (CRo)
- Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SK)
- Centre for Economic and Regional Studies - Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU)
- Municipality of Kielce/Kielce Technology Park (PL)
- South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovative Enterprising (CZ)
- University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (AT)
- Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HU)
Project value: 2.305.950,00 €
Project is supported by the INTERREG Central Europe Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts:1.913.507,50 €
Project duration: 01.04.2019- 31.03.2022
Mac Village
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Make Creative Villages - Initiate Cooperation between CCI and Villages- Mac Village
Duration: 36 month / 1st April 2019 to 30th September 2021
Project partners:
- Lead partner: TGZ PM Technology and Business Incubator Centre Potsdam-Mittelmark GmbH, Germany
- Project partner 2: SRH Hochschule Berlin, Germany
- Project partner 3: Authentic Villages of Italy Association, Italy
- Project partner 4: Regional Management Burgenland, Austria
- Project partner 5: BSC, Business support centre Ltd. Kranj, Slovenia
- Project partner 6: E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions Ptuj, Slovenia
- Project partner 7: DDTG Danube Development Transnational Group nonprofit limited liability company, Hungary
- Project partner 8: Cultural Labour Social Cooperative, Hungary
Summary of the project:
Actors in rural areas often lack innovation competences and the methods to initiate cooperation with innovative enterprises. Thus, companies from the creative industries have only occasionally been seen as a potential cooperation partner for villages to develop their manifold local cultural resources and to find innovative ideas to preserve the attractiveness of the region.
Creative industry in rural areas is an untapped potential in Central Europe. Developing the creative sector in rural areas has the potential to generate sustainable and quality enterprises as well as employment opportunities and contribute to rural diversification.
This is where the project Mac Village starts. The main objective of the project is to develop an easy-to-apply methodology in an iterative process for the local and regional level to initiate innovations in cooperation with CCI enterprises. Basis is the Frugal Innovation concept which responds to limitations in resources, which are also found in rural areas. A range of innovation methods will be tested in three villages per partner region and further developed. The methods are easy to use and promote a rapid and joint development of competence and innovative networking. The project brings together people from different fields (local authorities and stakeholders, regions, business development agencies and organisations with specific competence in CCI and social entrepreneurship) and gathers them in a multi-level dialogue.
The project will implement 54 innovation workshops in six regions in DE, AT, IT, SI and HU promoting the cooperation among local actors and CCI. More than 200 stakeholders will be trained to enable them to implement the innovation methods developed in the project. By doing so local actors in the villages will be able to create favourable local conditions for CCI and innovative networks for new products and services exploiting their cultural resources and develop new businesses.
Project main objectives
- to develop a methodology (with handbook) for the local and regional level,
- to initiate innovations in cooperation with CCI enterprises and artists and
- to strengthen the methodological competence of these players.
Project results
Coherent with the result indicator, the project will lead to an increased capacity of the public (local players in villages and rural towns) and the private sector (CCI enterprises) to develop local and regional cultural resources in an economical and sustainable way. The skills of the involved and trained players to develop their region from bottom-up will be increased. The local and regional players will have a better understanding of the potential of CCI for regional development and the requirements, these enterprises have to be able to flourish and to innovate. Creative enterprises will better understand the opportunities villages and rural towns can offer as a location and as cooperation partners to develop and use the cultural resources to create new products and services. They will be able to apply innovation methods on their own. One focus will be building up creative scenes networks which could end up in creative milieus in the rural partner regions. Other actors than the ones directly involved will be trained and learn to better understand the economy of the CCI and apply the innovation methods. Finally, the project offers the chance to create more jobs in rural areas, to settle more enterprises from the CCI in rural areas and hence contribute to diminishing the impact of demographic change.
Project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/Content.Node/MaC-Village.html
Mac Village is supported by the INTERREG Central Europe Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts to 1.166.174,16 EUR.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: »Development of an innovative network for the promotion of extroversion of agro-food companies in Adriatic - Ionian Area«
Project duration: 24 months (1. 1. 2017 - 31. 10. 2019)
Project extension (1.1.2022-30.6.2022)
The main objective of the “INNOVAGRO” project is the development of an interregional system for the reinforcing of the interaction between research centers and universities, companies of the agro-food sector, as well as the rest of the institutions dealing with promoting extroversion and entrepreneurship in the participating countries, so as to provide SMEs with innovative services of marketing and management, in order to increase their extroversion and internalization. This main objective is further analyzed in the following sub-objectives:
- development of innovative mechanisms and tools aiming at the amplification of the collaboration between the participant countries’ SMEs and the reinforcement of their ability to do business abroad
- development of innovative transnational business networking
- development and dissemination of knowledge, aiming at improving the competitiveness of agro-food SMEs
- reinforcement of the services that promote the innovation and extroversion of agro-food SMEs
- creation of co-operation network between professional associations from the agro-food and tourism sector, Research Institutions, and Public Authorities
- link farmers, agro-food and agro-tourism companies, as a transnational vertically intergraded chain
- create awareness about the implementation of environmentally – friendly farming practices.
The main project’s results:
- the improvement of agrofood SMEs’ productivity, competiveness and access to the international market,
- increasing the percentage of agrofood SMEs involved in networking, internalization and innovation process,
- strengthening the links between R&D Institutes, SMEs, and Regional & Local authorities in the field of innovative entrepreneurship and
- increasing the use of environment– friendly farming practices.
- E-zavod, zavod za projektno svetovanje, raziskovanje in razvoj celovitih rešitev
- Conferderazione Italiana Agricoltori
- Bashkimi i Dhomave të Tregtisë dhe
- Industrisë së Shqipërisë
- Chamber of Serbia
- Università degli studi della Basilicata
Website: https://innovagro.adrioninterreg.eu/
INNOVAGRO Newsletter 1 (740 Kb)
INNOVAGRO Newsletter 2 (774 Kb)
INNOVAGRO Newsletter 3 (750 Kb)
INNOVAGRO Newsletter 4 (738 Kb)
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Mediterranean Diet - When Brand Meets Peoples
Acronym: MD.net
Project duration: 1.2.2018 - 31.1.2022
The project challenges the problems of currently neglected and undeveloped opportunities of Mediterranean Diet (MD).
MD is an integral part of the Mediterranean identity, inscribed in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The MD involves a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning cultures, landscape, lifestyle, ways to work (crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, sharing and consumption of food products) characterizing a powerful industry.
The general objective of the project is to recognize the Mediterranean Diet (MD) as an opportunity for smart economic growth of remote rural areas.
This objective will be reached through increasing knowledge, transnational clustering and networking, testing of 3 pilots (education, branding, innovation), transferring 3 pilots to other regions and capitalisation of project results to post 2020 strategic level.
The project will strengthen exploration of the MD according to the UNESCO Med Diet Convention, blending comprehensive MD concepts with innovative tools.
The project will use both traditional and creative measures (as sharing economy) starting cooperation of quadruple helix stakeholders in order to lift the MD economy to new quality levels.
- Campania Region
- University of Algarve
- RERA Development of Split
- Region of Crete
- University of Mostar -Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology
- Mediterranean Diet Foundation
- Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Shipping of Seville
- Emilia Romagna Region
- E-zavod
- Standing Committee for the Euromediterranean Partnership of Local and Regional Authorities
- Association of Albanian Municipalities
- GOVERNMENT OF CATALONIA- Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food
- Troodos Development, Cyprus
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
Project title: Alpine Industrial Landscapes Transformation - TrAILs
Duration: 36 month / 17th April 2018 to 31st March 2021
Project partners:
- Lead partner: Technical University Munch, Freising, Germany
- Project partner 2: BSC, Business support centre Ltd. Kranj, Slovenia
- Project partner 3: University of Verona, Italy
- Project partner 4: Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
- Project partner 5: TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria
- Project partner 6: LAMORO Development Agency Asti, Italy
- Project partner 7: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Slovenia
- Project partner 8: Architecture, Urbanism and Environment Council of Vaucluse department, Avignon, France
- Project partner 9: E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions Ptuj, Slovenia
- Project partner 10: Registered association Styrian Iron Route (VESTE) Eisenerz, Austria
Alpine heavy industry (mining, steelmaking, chemical industry, etc.) is rapidly declining, leaving behind “Alpine Industrial Landscapes” (AILs), huge former productive landscapes of significant size, diffusion and complexity. At present, no reliable quantification of such areas exists and significant transformation attempts or conversion strategies have not been developed. The potential value of AILs was hardly mentioned in previous alpine development programmes and institutional project reports.
The project aims to generate specific knowledge about AILs, to develop and test sustainable transformation strategies, transferable to other industrial landscapes all over the alpine region. In a multidisciplinary, transnational approach the project combines expertise in fields like spatial and landscape planning, socio-economic sciences, regional development etc. while directly cooperating with local communities on relevant case studies (pilot areas).
The project covers four main phases:
- macro-regional survey of AILs and implementation of a web GIS platform;
- comprehensive assessment of AILs actual condition, background and context through on-site analysis of selected Pilot Areas;
- joint evaluation of AILs transformation potential and test-design in cooperation with local stakeholders;
- synthesis and discussion of generated knowledge (processes, methods, tools) with observers, regional/national stakeholders and experts in a conclusive AILs Forum.
The project will support local and regional stakeholders in the sustainable AILs transformation, providing them with practical recommendations for immediate action and clear strategic planning tools for the future.
Project overall objectives
The project’s overall objective is to develop a common and highly transferable transformation strategy for AILs, evidencing and sustainably exploiting their potential in terms of cultural heritage, ecological connectivity, land-use planning and socio-economic regeneration. The sustainable transformation of AILs is especially important for the improvement of the living conditions for man and nature in the Alps because AILs are often located in key positions within the alpine environmental and infrastructural network. In addition, the aim is to enhance the unique, very valuable but partly underestimated cultural and natural heritage of the Alpine region, while reinforcing the regional identity around former industrial areas.
Project results
- Increased general awareness of AILs a key resource for regional sustainable development (knowledge transfer).
- Strengthened transnational Alpine identity by established cross-border cultural infrastructures, cooperatively managed by the alpine countries.
- Intensified interaction and cooperation among development organisations, protecting and developing cultural (industrial) heritage.
- New transnational development options e.g. between neighbouring communities/ regions based on exchange of transformation experiences during test planning process (networking).
- Well prepared transformation actors and qualified ‘regional conversion pilots’ due to new training tools (study module "trAILs").
Project website: http://www.alpine-space.eu/projects/trails
Project trAILs Newsletter 1 (17.2 Mb)
Project trAILs Newsletter 2 (8.8 Mb)
Project trAILs Newsletter 3 (5.3 Mb)
TrAILs is supported by the INTERREG Alpine Space Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts to 1,859.290,24 EUR
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: ’’Creative Clothing for the Mediterranean Space’’
Project duration: 28 months (November 1st 2016 - February 28th 2019)
CreativeWear project revitalizes the crisis-ridden Textile & Clothing (T&C) sector through a new attention to creativity, personalised design, and artisan as well as small-scale production for territorially specific value chains in customer-driven business models.
CreativeWear project extends the on-going H2020 TCBL project (which complements techno-industrial with social innovation to return 5% of capacity to Europe and attain a 20% reduction in environmental impact by 2025) to creative clusters in the Mediteranean space, integrating them into the broader TCBL ecosystem. CreativeWear aims both to recover and valorise the design heritage and tacit “making” knowledge of T&C in Mediterranean cultures (MED-Texmedin) T&C and to bring new energy to creative clusters by reinforcing their creativity-based innovation capacity and integrating their activity into emergent transnational value chains (CreativeMED).
CreativeWear tests adaptation of the TCBL network model to existing creative clusters such as museums, creative hubs, fashion schools, design centres, volunteer organisations. The transferrable CreativeWear model allows for greater coherence with ERDF and ESF policy frameworks in different national and regional contexts.
- City of Prato (Lead Partner)
- Prato Textile Museum
- University of Valencia
- Textile Research Institute
- E-zavod
- ARCA Consortium
- European Apparel and Textile Confederation
- Allium
- Hellenic Clothing Industry Association
- Creative Thinking Development
»Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.«
Press release 2017
It will be held in Palermo this coming Thursday, October 26, next operative meeting of CreativeWear, an Interreg MED Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, which aims to give new life to the creative heritage, the design culture and the relevant know-how of Mediterranean T&C industry through a new attention on manifold concept of creativity.
Developed by Consorzio Arca, the Sicilian partner of the Project, the agenda of the meeting provides on the sidelines of the technical sessions focusing the advancement of hubs pilot activities taking place on involved territories (Spain, Slovenia, Greece and Italy) the participation to Vestino2017, a creative happening spread in many locations in the heart of the city, organized by Consortium ARCA with the collaboration of CRE.ZI Plus, Dimora Oz and Atelier COWORK and sponsored by the Municipality of Palermo.
Vestino, is an idea for an annual celebration of the values and work of the CreativeWear Hub community in Palermo as well as to enhance the innovative activities of each Creativewear Hub, exploring new forms of collaboration between creatives and the textile and clothing industry in five different regions of the Mediterranean area.
This is intended as the first edition (from October 27th to 29th, 2017), with a second edition planned for October 2018 in the context of Palermo as the Italian Cultural City of the Year and the host of the biennial Manifesta 12 exhibition.
As a joyful itinerary, Vestino unfolds in various modalities co-created with artists and designers working together with manufacturers and shop-owners, opened to the city and enriched by collective workshops, and exhibitions by Palermo artists and designers alongside workshops and installations from the creative communities of Valencia, Ljubljana, Athens and Prato, Creativewear Project partnership.
An original attempt to combine goals and procedure of the Project with the artistic feel of designers and creators in the city of Palermo and beyond, but also the concrete possibility of bringing the audience closer to the content and expected results of CreativeWear.
Creativewear project and Vestino 2017
Palermo, October 27th -29th, 2017
Creativewear Project
Website: https://creativewear.interreg-med.eu
Twitter: CreativeWearProject | FB: creativewear project | Instagram: creativewearmed
Press release 2018
In the year that sees Palermo as Italian Capital of Culture, a real flow of creative energy will involve the city for 4 days starting next October 18th. This is in brief the description of the new edition of Vestino, an artistic happening with a textile and fashion theme scheduled in the Sicilian capital in the next few days. Born from the idea of a group of artists, artisans and researchers from Palermo as an annual event celebrating the values and the community of the CreativeWear Palermo Hub, Vestino is a widespread celebration in the city that during its first edition last year saw local artists collaborating with creatives from different European countries involving companies, ateliers, art and craft workshops in the textile and clothing sector.
A full calendar of events, exhibitions, workshops and meetings that starting from the headquarters of the CRE.ZI.PLUS association at Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, core place of the event, will reach many locations throughout the city center, getting to involve about 60 ateliers and up to 20 workshops and creative workshops to compose a unique proposal of activities between art, design and craftsmanship.
Starting the event on Thursday 18th October at 7.30 pm at CRE.ZI.PLUS venue, will be the collective exhibition of the works and prototypes produced within the activities developed by the Hub network of the Creativewear Project. Designers, artists, textile companies and research laboratories from the creative communities of Valencia, Ljubljana, Athens and Prato will present to the public fabrics, capsule collections, clothing items, creative prints, design objects, artistic creations and cutting-edge technological processes that will tell how creativity has found innovative applications for the European T&C sector and the Mediterranean area.
Vestino # 2018 will also be an opportunity to get to know the Hubs who recently have joined the Creativewear Project by integrating the network of creative communities of the Mediterranean area who work for the proposal of innovative ideas and solutions to give new impulse to the textile and clothing sector.
New Hubs participating in the Creativewear Project are: The Identity Hub in Bari (Italy), The Skills Hub in Thessaloniki (Greece), The Fashion&Design Hub in Igualada (Spain), The Sustainability Hub in Biella (Italy), The Innovation Hub in Bidart (France), The Training Hub in Cakovec (Croatia) and The Awareness Hub in Izmir (Turkey).
The agenda will also include a works of art exhibition at Cinema DE SETA venue, video installations and contemporary art creations by Dimora OZ artists and the participation of the Alab Palermo lab network and Gullo Filati (clothing, haberdashery, fabric shops, etc.) exhibiting works and clothing collections created by artists and designers from Palermo and even installations of sartorial creations inspired by the theme of "Sicilianità" (being Sicilian) in collaboration with ALAB Laboratories.
Within Vestino festival, the international seminar of the Social & Creative MED community coordinated by the TALIA Project will also take place on Thursday 19 October. It will bring together the eleven Interreg MED projects of the Social&Creative Community to share insights on the contribution of creativity to the sustainable development of the MED space, towards an emergent vision of inclusive innovation.
Vestino 2018 is realized thanks to the CreativeWear project with the financial contribution of the European Union Interreg MED Program and with the free patronage of the Municipality of Palermo and Palermo Capital of Culture 2018.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: "A Roadmap for Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into EU Member States and Business Practises"
Project duration: 48 months (01.01.2017. – 31.12.2020)
The overall objective of the project is to help EU member states to apply Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a holistic management approach to SMEs. In this way, SMEs will increase their competitiveness. The main outputs of the project will help countries involved in the project to exchange experience, best practices and create a road map for integrating CSR into national and regional legislations and Programmes and as well to create national/regional actions plans. Moreover, an important output of the project will be the policy ecommendations for the revision of the Directive 2014/95/EU in order to create precedents for future policy developments on CSR and corporate accountability not only for large companies but as well for SMEs.
- Larnaca and Famagusta Districts Development Agency
- Region of Crete
- General Directorate of Labor, Regional Ministry of Education and Employment of the Government of Extremandura
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovative Enterprising
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: ‘’Textile and Clothing Business Labs’’
Project duration: 48 months (July 1st 2015 - June 30th 2019)
TCBL is a research& development project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme that aims to transform the Textile & Clothing (T&C) industry, bringing 5% of production capacity back to Europe by applying new sustainable business approaches that support local design and production, reducing the T&C sector’s impact on the environment.
The demand for ethical and environmentally friendly clothes is a worldly growing trend. In order to meet those customers’ needs in a fast-growing, competitive market, TCBL introduces and supports new approaches to product design, production and sales, creating ‘laboratories’ for design and manufacturing in order to create new business model opportunities to local companies that otherwise would not have the resources to experiment new methodologies.
TCBL introduces 3 types of open innovation Business Labs, each focused on specific areas of the value chain:
- Design Labs (creating emotionally-oriented immaterial value)
- Making Labs (converting skilled labour into material value)
- Place Labs (generating spatial community and socially-oriented value).
- City of Prato (Lead Partner)
- German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research (DITF)
- Instituto Superiore Mario Boella
- Skillaware
- The Open University
- iMinds
- Tavistock Institute
- Materials Industrial Research and Technology Center S.A.
- Waag Society
- Huddersfield & District Textile Training Company LTD
- Ezavod
- Consorzio ARCA
- UnionCamere del Veneto
- Hellenic Clothing Industry Association
- Sanjotec – Centro Empresarial e Tecnologico
- Clear Communication Associates LTD
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Central European Crowd-funding Support”
Project duration: 36 months (01.07.2016. – 30.06.2019)
Crowdfunding minimizes business risk-taking and increases entrepreneurship mind-set, which is why an unused crowdfunding potential represents a huge challenge especially in the eastern parts of central European countries. CROWD-FUND-PORT aims thus to improve skills and competences of all relevant stakeholder groups to prepare them for taking advantage of the crowdfunding phenomena. Change will be visible in improved financial conditions for start-ups fostering innovation, employment and social stability in the region.
The project focus will be on economically weaker businesses with fewer opportunities, who do not have access to bank loans, but who would be able to start business ideas through crowdfunding. Outputs and results of the project will benefit crowdfunding platform operators as well as small and medium sized enterprises by increasing their competences. Crowdfunding investors will profit from increased safety by a better understanding of benefits and risks and policy makers will gain increased decision-making competences.
- E-zavod (lead partner), Slovenia
- Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia RERA, jsc., Czech Republic
- Gdansk Entrepreneurship Foundation, Poland
- Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
- Rocketside, Hungary
- Ikosom – Institute for communication and social media, Germany
- ISN – Innovation Service Network, Austria
- CONDA, Austria
- Creative Industry Forum, Slovakia
- University of Bologna, Italy
- BRODOTO, Croatia
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Innovative patient centred health care services - advantages of establishing a close CE network in celiac disease patient health care”
Project duration: 36 months (01.06.2016. – 31.05.2019)
Healthy and active aging is one of the greatest social challenges in the EU in view of longer life expectancy. Early prevention of chronic diseases that have severe impact on general well-being of patients is extremely important if we want to reach this goal and ensure sustainable health care systems in central Europe. A lack of development and promotion of innovative quality health services, disease management models and education have a profound negative effect.
To tackle this challenge, Focus in CD will demonstrate development and pilot testing of innovative health service model in management of celiac disease, that can serve as reference model for other chronical diseases.
- Municipality of Maribor, (lead partner), Slovenia
- University Medical Center Maribor, Slovenia
- E-institute – Institute for Comprehensive Development Solutions, Slovenia
- University hospital center Rijeka, Croatia
- University of Trieste, Italy
- Association of celiac patients Primorsko -goranska County, Croatia
- Institute for Maternal and Child Health – IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Italy
- Ludwig-Maximilian’s University Medical Center, Germany
- Hungarian Coeliac Society, Hungary
- Heim Pál Children’s Hospital, Hungary
- Child Health Foundation, Germany
- Primorje – Gorski Kotar County, Coratia
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Strengthening cross-border competitiveness, research and innovation”
Project duration: 36 months (1.10.2016 – 30.9.2019)
The project is focused on supporting development of competitive products and their launch on international markets, since internalisation activities of SMEs, improve their growth, competences and favour their long-term success. Studies had confirm, that SMEs active on international markets, create more workplaces and are more innovative comparing to those that are not. In the framework of last programming period, cooperation and coordination among SMEs and institutions in the cross border area has been very dynamic, therefore the existing potential can be used, upgraded and tested also in the field of SMEs internalization.
The main goal of the project is to enhance the number of SMEs engaged on international markets in the cross border area. Most SMEs lack information, knowledge and support how to enter foreign markets and since they are small, they are risk averse and insecure. Project will be focused on tackling mentioned issues and barriers. Project will offer support to 20 SMEs in the process of entering international German and English speaking markets and support 2 project partner SMEs, to test their new products on international markets. A common cross border coaching scheme strategy and action plan, tools and services to support internalization of SMEs and export plans will be developed, followed by different B2B events, to enhance the internalization activities of SMEs. Innovativeness of the project approach includes development of a common cross border coaching scheme, which will work as support platform of common contacts, networks, knowledge and tools. Common coaching scheme will enable identification of common strategic opportunities, development of cross border added value chains and clusters, which is essential for successful internalization of SMEs in the cross border area.
- ROW Regionalmanagement Obersteiermark West GmbH (Lead Partner)
- Pomurje technology park L.t.d., Slovenia
- USOL, Development, manufacturing and engineering L.t.d.,, Austria
- Slovene Chambre of commerce,
- E-institute Ptuj, Slovenia
- FB - Forschung Burgenland GmbH, Austria
- NET-Automation GmbH, Austria
E-NEWS No. 1 (Slovenian language) (580 Kb)
E-NEWS No. 2 (Slovenian language) (730 Kb)
E-NEWS No. 3 (Slovenian language) (518 Kb)
E-NEWS No. 4 (Slovenian language) (499 Kb)
E-NEWS No. 5 (Slovenian language) (538 Kb)
E-NEWS No. 6 (Slovenian language) (848 Kb)
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: CAESAR 2 (ClimAte & Energy Solutions for small Alpine enterpRises)
Project content
To maintain competitiveness and comply with decarbonization goals, enterprises must reduce their energy consumption. Especially SMEs, which in the Alpine region account for a significant part of the economy, have difficulties analyzing their potentials for increased energy efficiency (EE) and identify pathways towards net-zero. The project will showcase the benefits of carbon-footprinting (CCF) to SMEs, especially from the Agrofood sector, and engage them in a process of data analysis. Pilot enterprises will contribute to creating checklists, process lists and tools for assessing their emissions and energy situation and start improving it.
CAESAR 2 is upgrading the results of CAESAR project where solutions for introducing energy efficiency measures in small Alpine enterprises were developed through co-creation process with industry clusters from four Alpine countries. The CAESAR-approach will be expanded to move from the topic of energy efficiency to the higher level of carbon-footprinting energy audits, reach out to new sectors of the economy and test a methodology which is feasible for SMEs. This topic is currently high on the agenda in several Alpine regions and will be of high importance in the near future. SMEs will need to be prepared to respond to growing political and consumer/partner demands in this sense.
Specific objectives and results
- To identify available tools for performing Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) assessments and to adapt them to meet the needs and capacities of small enterprises
- To integrate the CCF approach with existing energy efficiency audit tools (integrated CCF&EE audit)
- To test the tool through pilot projects in partner countries with a focus on the agricultural sector
- To prepare easy-to-use guidelines for performing CCF&EE audits in small enterprises and disseminating the tool among industry clusters and enterprises.
Funding: The project is co-financed by the European Union (Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund - ARPAF)
Project budget: 146.215,00 EUR
Project duration: 01.06.2022 – 30.11.2023
Project partners:
- Energy Agency South Tyrol – CasaClima (IT, lead partner)
- Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (AT)
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT)
- E-institute (SI)
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This project is co-financed by the European Union |
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: SEctor Adaptive VIrtual Early Warning System for marine pollution
Project duration: 1.4.2020 - 30.9.2022
The SEAVIEWS project aims at promoting and enhancing the capacity of transnational collaborations tackling environmental vulnerability, fragmentation and the safeguarding of ecosystem services in the wider Adriatic area. The project will bring together stakeholders from 6 partner states; Greece, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy and Slovenia.
The first output of the project refers to the development of a transnational repository network that will receive, store and analyse data about the sea water quality from a network of smart sensors allocated in critical points. Individuals will also be able to post real time observations regarding marine pollution using an application. Big data analytics tools will be incorporated making this an innovative virtual early warning system for preventing and managing the marine pollution from various sources.
Within this network marine pollution hubs are proposed. These digital labs will be established and will be used as channels, so information, data analysis and research results will be circulated to the broader society. The ultimate goal of this output is to promote through the network the people’s understanding and sensitivity and therefore, engage them in the prevention of marine pollution.
The second output is targeting to the amendment of the macroregional action plan. Through the engagement of the national and regional authorities, the ultimate goal of the SEAVIEWS is to strengthen the marine environmental protection by implementing tools such as the big data for enhancing the marine environmental protection. In this context, an Industrial Committee will be established and evaluate and propose improvement actions by incorporating a dynamic decision policy process. Reaching its targets, SEAVIEWS could transform the Adriatic-Ionian Sea to the so called meta-national pioneer.
- National Technical University of Athens
- National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
- Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs
- E-Institute
- University of Tirana
- Chambers Group for the Development of Greek Isles
SEAVIEWS Newsletter No1 (946 Kb)
SEAVIEWS Newsletter No2 (1.2 Mb)
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Involving people to protect wild bees and other pollinators in the Mediterranean
Project duration: 1.10.2019 - 30.9.2023
The aim of the project is to gain environmental benefits by improving pollinator conservation, by creating a virtuous circuit that leads to a progressive change in practices across the Mediterranean region. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the project has set a number of more specific objectives that foster education and dissemination, the implementation of citizen science approaches, and improved environmental governance. The specific objectives of LIFE 4 POLLINATORS are:
- Raise citizens and stakeholders awareness on the decline of wild pollinators and the importance of pollination services for the functioning and health of ecosystems and agroecosystems.
- Promote attitudes and behaviours in favour of native wild pollinators.
- Enhance citizens’ participation in data collection and greening actions to increase their contribution to biodiversity knowledge and ecosystem conservation/restoration.
- Improve the general knowledge of 1) native Mediterranean wild pollinators and entomophilous plants; 2) their interactions, and 3) alien invasive species, by citizen science monitoring activities.
- Improve the use of greening infrastructures, promote free-pesticides agriculture and pollinator-friendly practices in rural and urban environments, involving farmers, farmers consultants and other stakeholders concerned in the management of urban green public spaces.
- Promote better environmental governance transferring data to concerned authorities and stimulating the development of pollinator strategies or action plans in the MS (= Member States) where they are missing (IT, GR, ES)
- Create a participatory and interactive database on wild pollinators, improving environmental information availability and sharing in the Mediterranean zone. This information regards the interactions between pollinators and plants, which represent highly informative data for practical conservation purposes.
- Improve biodiversity knowledge on the Mediterranean area: the information gathered will partially contribute to go beyond the gap of knowledge on pollinator diversity and status that characterises the Mediterranean area.
- Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
- Federazione Regionale Coldiretti Emilia Romagna
- Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)
- State Agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
- E-Institute
- University of the Aegean – Research Unit
- University of Vigo
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: »Collaboration between public bodies and citizen energy groups in implementing local energy strategies in Central Europe”
PROJECT DURATION: 36 months (1. 4. 2019 – 31. 3. 2022)
Central European countries need support in the development of local and regional energy strategies and action plans, since they are lagging in their implementation and thereby threatening regional competitiveness. Local authorities face many challenges in implementing the plans including lack of financing, being understaffed and lacking local acceptance. This undermines the pledge that signatories made to support the EU action in reducing GHG emissions by 40% until 2030. Creating a functional Low Carbon Economy Plan (like SEAP/SECAP) requires tapping into the human and financial potential of citizens.
Project ENES-CE is addressing this challenge and beyond through improving the adoption and quality of energy plans with a bottom up quadruple helix approach, where citizens play a pivotal role.
The expected results are the following:
- Innovative energy strategies developed and implemented, through a revision of existing energy plans
- Citizens involved thanks to a bottom up approach in the process of energy strategies and planning development
- Managerial system improved in terms of human resources improvement
- A framework for developing citizen investments has been created, addressing legal, institutional and economic specificities
- Energy groups/energy cooperatives created and able to support the planning, implementing and also the financing of sustainable energy projects and based on the needs of the citizens in Central Europe and beyond
- Comune di Forlì, Italy
- Međimurska energetska agencija d.o.o., Croatia
- Grad Prelog, Croatia
- E-zavod, zavod za projektno svetovanje, raziskovanje in razvoj celovitih rešitev, Slovena
- Mestna občina Koper, Slovenia
- Energiaklub Szakpolitikai Intézet és Módszertani Központ Egyesület, Hungary
- Budapest Föváros XIV. kerület Zugló Önkormányzata, Hungary
- City Pfaffenhofen Stadtwerke, Germany
- Bürger-Energie-Genossenschaft im Landkreis Pfaffenhofen a.d.Ilm e.G., Germany
- Województwo Lubelskie, Poland
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Contact person:
Darko Ferčej
Phone: +386 2 749 32 25
Fax: +386 2 749 32 17
Web site: https://www.interreg-central.eu/ENES-CE
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: CAESAR (CApacitating Energy efficiency in Small Alpine EnteRprises)
Project content
The implementation of effective energy efficiency (EE) measures in enterprises is a key element to reach Europe's energy and climate targets 2030. Enterprises account for approximately 1/3 of Europe's energy consumption. Improving EE in enterprises therefore contributes significantly to the decarbonisation of the economy and the achievement of the climate goals, while at the same time increasing competitiveness and reducing costs. Large companies are already obliged to conduct energy audits (e.g. EN16247) to determine energy saving potentials. SMEs, and especially very small enterprises, are often put off by a lack of know-how or fears of excessive costs/concerns about the quality of the audits. CAESAR project aims at addressing the potential that lies herein. The consortium will establish and maintain a network of stakeholders with the purpose of rolling out EE policies in SMEs. It will set the basis for the successful qualification of stakeholders (policy makers, enterprises, energy agencies, auditors) in the regions to set up and accompany EE measures in enterprises. It will define the benchmarks for enterprises and create and distribute a low-barrier energy efficiency auditing tool designed for the needs of all regions of the Alpine Space and the requirements of small enterprises. “Energy tutors" will be trained and will gain the competences needed to help SMEs improving EE.
Key results
- Established EUSALPS network of key stakeholders for rolling out energy efficiency measures in SMEs
- Creation of energy efficiency auditing tool for assessing EE of SMEs and defining measures for improvement
- Setting-up transnational benchmarking model for energy efficiency of SMEs
- Training of energy tutors and awareness-raising among SMEs and intermediate bodies
Funding: The project is co-financed by the European Union (Alpine Region Preparatory Action Funds - ARPAF)
Project partners:
- Agency for Energy South Tyrol – CasaClima (IT, lead partner)
- ClusterAgentur BW (DE)
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT)
- Energy Tirol (AT)
- E-institute (SI)
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment (F – observer)
- Autonomous Province of Trento, Provincial Agency for Water Resources and Energy (IT – observer)
- Infrastrutture Lombarde SpA (IT – observer)
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This project is co-financed by the European Union |
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Sustainable cooperation between public institutions in the region on environmental protection, energy efficiency and renewables energy
Project duration: 01.07.2018 – 30.06.2021
The Green Line project is focused on the transfer of knowledge and experience that will lead to increase of capacities and institutional cooperation abilities and better cross-border relations (between partners, municipalities, public organizations) in the field of environmental protection, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
The key focus of the project is the implementation of the twinning process with a mutual transfer of knowledge and experience, for the preparation of strategic energy plans.
The project will also provide support tools, such the preparation of energy accounting system, with the necessary translations from Slovenian to Hungarian language and the production of a 3D model of the Mura-Zala geothermal basin - an overview of the potentials of geothermal energy.
A protocol of long-term cooperation will be developed and signed between partners.
- Local energy agency for Pomurje (LEA Pomurje)
- Nyugat-Pannon
Terület- és
ési Szolgáltató
Közhasznú - E-zavod, (Slovenija)
Website: http://www.green-capacity.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/projectgreenline/
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: GREEN and smart Mobility INDustry innovation
Project duration: 1.2.2018 – 1.8.2020
The Green mind project fosters the development of economic COMPETITIVENESS and INNOVATION in the GREEN AND SMART MOBILITY industry by reinforcing regional and transnational cooperation between businesses, research bodies and authorities.
Being active in a context of fast technological advancements and increasingly restrictive environmental policies, Green mind strengthens the transnational activities of clusters and agencies to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in exploiting and identifying market opportunities and tapping the raising demand for green and smart mobility products and services in key mobility sectors such as transport and logistics, automotive, energy and IT.
Main objectives
- Testing new market intelligence, public funding screening and B2B matchmaking services for SMEs
- Building a transferable model of the aforesaid services for clusters and agencies
- Setting up a transnational innovation network involving authorities, industry and academia
- Delivering a policy support programme to mainstream the project results based on the Smart Specialisation Strategies of the involved regions
- SIPRO, Economic development agency (Italy)
- CERTH, Centre for research and technology Hellas (Greece)
- ASCC, Andalusia Smart City Cluster – Multi-sector innovative business association for smart cities (Spain)
- AFT, Association for the development of professional training in transport and logistics (France)
- IDA, Istrian Development Agency (Croatia)
- SERDA, Sarajevo Economic Regional Development Agency (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
- E-zavod, (Slovenija)
- SDC, County of Split-Dalmatia (Croatia)
The project activities have been also dedicated to implementation of pilot project. We have tested the tools for public institutions and mobility companies needed in everyday business. The documentation is available at links below and is adapted to our legislation and Slovenian market requirements:
The tool is only in Slovenian language. We do not give any guarantees for the correctness of the financial calculations and do not accept any responsibility for its use. Please contact us in case of problems.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Strategic tools towards a sustainable use of biomass for low carbon domestic heating
Acronym: BB-CLEAN
Project duration: 17.4.2018 - 16.4.2021
The main project objective is development of transnational policies for a sustainable use of biomass for domestic heating in order to minimize the above cited impacts and improve a smart use of this resource in the Alpine Regions (AR). The project will focus on innovative open-source and interactive approaches for the awareness raising of citizens and local administrators about the critical aspects linked to BB and on the definition of strategic technological, economical and regulative tools to reduce the impact of BB in the Alpine valleys. Innovative sustainable business models will ensure long term success of the defined solutions. The development of shared policy-relevant documents will favour the application of harmonized regulations for a sustainable use of biomass in the AR. Foreseeing the integrated collaboration of partners from 6 Countries of the AR and a large network of observers the project will drive an important behavioural, technological, environmental and regulative change in this Region but even at EU level since no common regulations at EU level actually exist for small scale biomass appliances.
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
- ARPA Valle d’Aosta
- Communauté de communes Pays du Mont-Blanc
- Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- E-zavod
- FH Joanneum
BB Clean First Newsletter (Slovenian) (633 Kb)
BB Clean Second Newsletter (Slovenian) (712 Kb)
BB Clean Third Newsletter (Slovenian) (658 Kb)
BB Clean Fourth Newsletter (Slovenian) (615 Kb)
BB Clean Fifth Newsletter (601 Kb)
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITTLE: Mobility Ecosystem for Low-carbon and INnovative moDal shift in the Alps
MELINDA is supported by the INTERREG Alpine Space Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts: 1.558.521,75 €
Lead partner: Insiel S.p.A.
Project partners:
- PP2: e-Institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions
- PP3: Municipality of Maribor
- PP4: University of Maribor
- PP5: B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH München
- PP6: Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency
- PP7: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- PP8: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
- PP9: University of Milano-Bicocca
- PP10: AustriaTech Ltd. – Federal Agency for Technological Measures
- PP11: Inter-municipalitiesTerritorial Union
- PP12: City of Leutkirch
Project value: 1.833.555,00 €
ERDF: 1.558.521,75 €
Project duration: 17.04.2018 – 16.04.2021
Partnership of MELINDA project is generating innovative solutions for climate friendly mobility of citizens in Alpine Space through user-participation process. The aim is to induce behavioral change and improved policy instruments which will be achieved through:
- Better understanding of user demands in mobility through crowdsourcing
- Participative development of ICT tool for low-carbon citizen mobility
- Generating innovative business models for mobility service providers by involving end-users.
Main result is the implementation of a new model to boost the low carbon mobility behaviours, through the analysis of the factors that impact on the demand and the offer of mobility, using a trans-sectorial and social innovation approach. MELINDA will increase the low carbon mobility options and encourage modal shift, thanks to the availability of new evidences and awareness on both demand and offer side as input for an effective activity of the policy makers and sustainable low carbon behaviours.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Boosting energy efficiency in Central European cities through smart energy management”
Project duration: 36 months (01.06.2017 – 31.05.2020)
Central Europe has a high potential for deploying local and regional energy systems based on renewable energy generation and energy conservation but it is important to trigger bottom up initiatives improving energy efficiency approaches. Attention is being paid to the improvement of energy efficiency (EE) of existing buildings as they are accountable for large electric power consumption with an annual growth rate of around 4 percent. It is one of the major challenges for public authorities to reduce energy in existing public buildings without significant construction works.
Therefore, public authorities need to be equipped with simple but useful tools and methodologies for proper energy management. The project aims to improve the governance of EE in existing public buildings and ultimately reduce energy consumption in different central European areas, especially those less advanced in low carbon approach. For this purpose the OnePlace platform to transfer the knowledge to other regions of Europe will be developed. With the development and implementation of the 3D energy management system and pilot actions, the project will show an innovative approach towards energy auditing of buildings.
- Bruno Kessler Foundation (lead partner), Italy
- E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions, Slovenia
- Energy Agency of the Zlín Regio, Czech Republic
- Regional Energy Agency North, Croatia
- Mazovia Energy Agency, Poland
- Tolna County Development Agency, Hungary
- Emilia - Romagna Region, Italy
- Municipality of Velenje, Slovenia
- City of Koprivnica, Croatia
- Municipality of Judenburg, Austria
- Energy Agency Upper Styria, Austria
- European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation NOVUM Limited, Poland
- City Municipality of Plonsk, Poland
- Zlín Region, Czech Republic
- Municipality of Tolna, Hungary
BOOSTEE-CE Press Release (481 Kb)
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Introducing circular economy system to Alpine Space to achieve low-carbon targets”
Project duration: 36 months (01.11.2016. – 31.10.2019)
The project GREENCYCLE aims to introduce the system of circular economy (replace linear) as a holistic approach to support implementation of low-carbon strategies and provide additional 2-4% greenhouse emission reduction to the partner cities. Circular economy deployment will save energy, water, recover critical raw materials, reduce transport, boost the eco-innovation, create green jobs and benefit to low income citizens, which is directly in line with priority 2 of the ASP. Cities as biggest emissions producers and biggest energy and materials consumers will play the pioneering role by developing circular economy implementation strategies where key target groups (utilities, SMEs, citizens, research organizations) will be actively involved in the process.
Supporting toolbox will be developed as an e-tool which will enable planning, management and monitoring of circular economy processes and will be made publicly available. Important part of project is dedicated to pilot project implementation where partner cities will deploy circular economy approach in real-case scenarios to test and evaluate the toolbox. In order to be effective, circular economy requires critical size of market and critical mass of materials which will be enabled by macro-regional approach.
A transnational platform will be set up as a circular economy marketplace for materials and cooperation platform for further development of circular economy in Alpine Space. A platform will contribute to the lasting impact of the project with the active network membership of responsible local circular economy managers. Partner cities will become a circular economy lighthouse role-models and will actively involve other Alpine Space cities and/or regions to follow.
- Municipality of Maribor (lead partner)
- E-zavod
- Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau
- Marktgemeinde Goetzis
- Comune di Trento
- Informatica Trentina Spa
- Rhônalpénergie-Environnement
- Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays Viennois
- CESBA Alps
- Liechtemstein Institute for Strategic Development
This project is co-financed with 1.654.330,98 € by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Carbon Smart Communities”
Project duration: 36 months (01.11.2016. – 31.10.2019)
The overall objective of the project is to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide in the Alpine Space.
Two major goals will be pursued within the project:
- Development and implementation of transnational low carbon policy instruments for the procurement of significantly low carbon timber products and
- closing loops of regional added value and capitalizing of low carbon timber products by fostering their utilisation in politics, public bodies and key actors as e.g. architects.
Project specific results will be:
- developed political framework for integrating low carbon timber products in procurement of public bodies.
- implementation of those policies in various communities in the programme region.
- improved trans national operating framework and support tools for low carbon policies
- empowered SME value chains and improved deliverance of low carbon timber to meet the raised public demands.
- BSC, poslovno podporni center Kranj
- Sinergija Development Agency
- IG Kraftspendedorfer Joglland
- Parco Scientifico Technologico per l 'Ambiente
- E-zavod
- Regionalentwicklung Vorarlberg eGen
- Unione Montana dei Comuni della Valesia
- Agenzia Regionale per la protezione dell Ambiente del Piemonte
- Holz von Hier gemeinnutzige GmbH
- Climate Alliance Klima Bundnis
CaSCo is supported by the INTERREG Alpine Space Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts to 1,947,509 EUR.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Comprehensive model of waste heat utilization in CE regions”
Project duration: 36 months (01.06.2016. – 31.05.2019)
CE-HEAT aims to improve the governance of energy efficiency by focusing on the field of waste heat utilisation. This field was identified as one of the most pressing issues at the regional and local level but little success was achieved in the past. To improve governance in waste heat utilisation, better and comprehensive planning and monitoring tools are needed. The CE-HEAT partnership will bring new solutions through:
- Providing an excellent analytical and monitoring platform based on the establishment of GIS based regional waste heat cadastres with waste heat sources classification and a monitoring tool;
- Providing a comprehensive solution for managing waste heat utilization projects and strategies based on the development of a waste heat utilisation toolbox (leading stakeholders participation process, establishing feasibility etc);
- Incorporating a new approach into local, regional and national strategies by integrating a new cadastre and toolbox into existing spatial planning and energy management systems and spreading it throughout central Europe and beyond.
The first-level target group of CE-HEAT are regional and local energy policy makers and spatial planners. Therefore, regional steering groups will be established to achieve a good level of integration and compatibility. The second level target group are waste heat producers, potential investors and local stakeholders. The project's transnational approach will enable partners to use different experiences, knowledge and competences to find solutions to a common problem in a common legal environment. It will also bring added value because solutions (cadastre and toolbox) will be tested through pilot projects in very different scenarios. Solutions developed will consequently have much higher quality and bigger transfer potential.
- E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions (lead partner), Slovenia
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
- Energy Insitute Hrvoje Požar, Croatia
- Drava Hydropower Plants Ltd, Slovenia
- Technology Promotion Burgenland Ltd, Austria
- Thuringian Energy and GreenTech Agency GmbH (ThEGA), Germany
- Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- Poltegor-Institute, Poland
- National Centre for Energy Savings, Czech Republic
- Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic,
- The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Croatia
- City Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia
- Marshall Office of the Lower Silesia Region, Poland
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Waste heat platform
The Transnational Waste Heat platform integrates the knowledge and software solutions that support the acceleration of waste heat recovery in Europe and beyond.
The tools available on the website allow the users to explore the waste heat energy potential in seven Central European regions, as well as to estimate potential for their regions/countries by using the manuals provided on the website.
Key tools for exploring the viability of waste heat recovery projects are the decision support system and waste heat calculator. Based on the energy data provided, the tools enable an algorithmic analysis of key technical and economic parameters and provide the user with the preliminary assessment of the project’s financial and technical viability in support of investment decisions.
Furthermore, the platform illuminates some of the best practice examples of waste heat recovery in Europe and provides policy, permit procedures and funding insight relevant in this arena, for seven European regions.
The platform is one of the key outputs of the European project CE-HEAT which is funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE, programme that encourages cooperation on shared challenges in Central Europe.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Common European Sustainable Building Assessment Alpine Space – Sustainable Territories”
Project duration: 36 months (16.12.2015 – 15.12.2018)
Currently available sustainability assessment tools cover buildings and small urban areas, with no support for the territorial scale, typical in the rural, low density Alpine regions. The project aims to facilitate the development, exchange, and implementation of innovative policies and plans at territorial level based on common assessment tools.
By developing an assessment framework and a label for sustainable and low carbon territories, the project will improve the sustainability and energy performance of the Alpine built environment. Through objective criteria and indicators, the tools will support public organizations, technical organizations and SMEs in the assessment of the sustainability of a territory, the definition of clear and objective performance targets, the decision making in planning processes at territorial level, and the implementation and monitoring of effective low carbon policies, therefore fostering innovative practices at the territorial level among all stakeholders.
Main outputs include:
- a generic transnational assessment framework for assessment at territorial scale,
- a set of harmonized, validated and regionally contextualized assessment tools for territories,
- a guideline for the implementation of assessment tools in low carbon policies and territorial plans,
- a toolbox for the adoption of labels for sustainable and low carbon territories,
- the creation and fostering of Local CESBA Committees,
- the definition of sustainable construction strategies for territories and cities.
The CESBA Alps project will be part of the transnational CESBA initiative, ensuring the long term availability of the technical framework and cooperation network, facilitating adoption and use of the territorial scale tools across Alpine space regions.
- Piemont Region (LP) – Directorate of Social Cohesion, Unit of Programming and Implementation of Social Housing Interventions, Italy
- Rhônalpénergie Environnement, France
- Regione del Veneto, Italy
- Regionalentwicklung Vorarlberg eGen,
- EnviroBAT-BDM, France
- E-zavod Ptuj, Slovenia
- Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München, Germany
- Common European Sustainable Built Environment Assessment – Verein zur Förderung des Qualitätsbewusstseins für Nachhaltigkeit in der gebauten Umwelt in Europa
- Liechtenstein Institute for Strategic Development, Liechtenstein
- iiSBE Italia R&D srl, Italy
- Regione Lombardia, Italy
This project is co-financed with 2.209.778,31 € by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Transnational Holistic Ecosystem 4 Better Energy Efficiency through Social innovation”
Project duration: 36 months (16.12.2015 – 15.12.2018)
THE4BEES builds on the hypothesis: Energy is consumed by people rather than by buildings. Although most of the strategies to achieve energy efficiency in buildings focus on technical mitigation measures, to reach the ambitious goals on Low Carbon set by EU and Alpine Strategy, both structural and soft approaches shall be considered in a complementary way across the AS area.
THE4BEES focuses on the behavioural changes of users in public buildings needed to achieve reduction of energy consumption. Such changes will be originated by the use of innovative ICT applications developed by a transnational ecosystem.
The Project will set-up transnational Labs involving academia, decision makers and key administrations, entrepreneurship and citizens. Awareness raising and capacity building actions will prepare the ground for a Co-Creation activity aimed at the development of software applications (mobile apps, serious games, social interaction). Those applications will be used by the target groups in the demonstration sites (schools, houses, factories) to encourage behavioural changes for energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. Behavioural changes and energy reduction will be assessed and will improve transnational, regional and local low carbon and spatial development policies. Sustainable exploitation will also be analysed in order to maximize effectiveness and trigger economic development of the Alpine Space.
- Regione Piemonte, Regione Lombardia, Italy
- E-institut Ptuj, Slovenia
- INSTITUTE Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška, Slovenia
- Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft GmbH, Austria
- Haute école, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Fribourg – HES-SO//Fribourg, France
- Association HESPUL, France
- Rhônalpénergie-Environnement, France
- IREES - Institut für Ressourceneffizienz und Energiestrategien, Germany
- CSP- INNOVAZIONE NELLE ICT s.c.a r.l., Itally
- CNR-IEIIT (Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria Nazionale delle Ricerche), Italy
- Baden-Württemberg:Connected e.V.Associated partners, Germany dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni del Consiglio
This project is co-financed with 2.290.449 Eur by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.
Urban Soil for Food
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Urban Soil for Food - Establishment of Innovative Urban Soil Based Economy Circles to Increase Local Food Self-sufficiency and Minimize Environmental Footprint
URBAN SOIL 4 FOOD project starts from the challenge of using cities’ internal waste (biological and mineral waste) in order to produce useful product (soil) to be later used for meeting the cities’ needs (food production, cities parks, construction) all this within cities boundaries. Complementary it introduces urban food chain and uses open innovation processes to establish business support for innovative circular economy start-ups in the urban area. Project ends with certification of internationally standardized soil and with trainings, seminars and study visits for quadruple helix participants. Project will be implemented through 4 interconnected technical work packages: material circle, food circle, open innovation circle and knowledge circle backboned with 2 key investments: establishment of pilot system for urban soil production and establishment of 4 urban gardens. Key innovative product will be of standardized and internationally certified urban soil.
Project will change current traditional waste-based society into circular economy oriented, proud of circular economy achievements and active in the process of achieving circular economy. If successful, the project would represent one of the strongest practical examples of circular economy in the EU, because of its systemic horizontal approach, closing urban circles and co- creative inclusion of citizens. It would show to policy makers the importance to deal with circular economy on horizontal level and within urban area.
- PP2 - Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- PP3 - E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions
- PP4 - Snaga, public service provider for management of waste and other utility services
- PP5 - Development of social projects and promotion of active life association AKTIVIRAJ SE
- PP6 - DELTAPLAN, service and consulting company, d.o.o.
- PP7 - Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute - ZAG
- PP8 - Wcycle Institute Maribor, Slovenia
Project web site: https://www.uia-initiative.eu/en/uia-cities/maribor
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Project information
PROJECT TITTLE: City Water Circles -Urban Cooperation Models for enhancing water efficiency and reuse in Central European functional urban areas with an integrated circular economy approach
Lead partner: City of Budapest, District 14 Zugló Municipality
Project partners:
- PP2: Budapest Sewage Works Plt. Ltd.
- PP3: Turin Municipality
- PP4: Poliedra
- PP5: Maribor Water Supply Company
- PP6: E-Institute
- PP7: City of Bydgoszcz
- PP8: Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation
- PP9: Public Institution RERA SD for Coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia County
- PP10: Split water and sewerage company Ltd
- PP11: Association for Rainwater Harvesting and Water Utilisation
Project value: 2.418.392,29 €
Project is supported by the INTERREG Central Europe Programme of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Total co-financing amounts:2.017.978,82 €
Project duration: 01.04.2019- 31.03.2022
Recognizing that cities are focal points of increasing freshwater consumption in CE, CWC strives for introducing and promoting water efficiency measures and the (re)use of non-conventional local water resources like rainwater & greywater for public and domestic purposes in CE functional urban areas (FUAs). With bringing these regions on the path of circular urban water management, the project aims to enhance water conservation through alleviating pressure on over-exploited freshwater resources as well as on urban drainage systems, and thus to improve environmental quality and climate resilience of CE FUAs.
Aiming at cities becoming main drivers of circular water use revolution, CWC intends to equip the local and regional public actors, as well as relevant stakeholders with improved capacities for facilitating/ launching the implementation of sustainable water efficiency and reuse systems by creating supportive regulatory, organizational and co-operational frameworks.
The project’s strong emphasis is on integrating water saving and recycling considerations not only in existing environmental policies and management systems of FUAs, but also channeling them into all relevant urban/ regional development strategies and sectoral (e.g. urban planning, building) regulations as a crosscutting issue
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
URBAN CIRCULAR WATER MANAGEMENT in Slovene language (10.6 Mb)
City Water Circles leaflet (574 Kb)
Project information
PROJECT TITLE: “Utilizing innovation potential of urban ecosystems”
Project duration: 36 months (01.06.2016. – 31.05.2019)
URBAN INNO addresses the challenge of making central Europe more innovative and competitive by maximising the innovation potential of smaller and medium sized urban ecosystems. A significantly better linkage of actors within urban innovation ecosystems (public authorities, research organizations, industry as well as end-users respectively customers and citizens) is needed for a better use of innovation potentials. Public and private sectors recognise that there is especially a significant gap in the field of participation in innovation processes from people as citizens and as users and customers. Many smart solutions, technologies and services are not used widely because of the lack of knowledge and motivation or acceptance of end-users.
URBAN INNO focuses on maximising innovation potentials of urban ecosystems through:
- Better linking actors in innovation systems by establishing and interlinking quadruple helix clusters and networks in the partner regions; and
- Developing and implementing new participatory methods and tools to engage end-users in innovation processes with the objective to have educated and motivated users.
URBAN INNO will be implemented in small-medium sized urban ecosystems in central Europe with strong replication potential due to the big number of similar-sized cities in the EU. Quadruple-helix networks will be established and regional/urban innovation action plans developed (setup of demo centres and testbeds for industry). In parallel, new participatory methods and tools will be developed and tested in pilot projects. Participative urban environments will substantially improve their innovation performance with the established innovation environment. A transnational cooperation strategy and platform will provide all interested regions the best available participatory tools and qualified facilitators and best practice will enable transfer and exchange of urban innovation models and practices throughout central Europe.
- CyberForume.V., Germany (Lead partner)
- Inno AG, Germany
- E-Institute, Institute for comprehensive development solutions, Slovenia
- Municipality of Maribor, Slovenia
- Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
- Municipality of Kielce/ Kielce Technology Park, Poland
- City of Rijeka, Croatia
- Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Croatia
- Pannon Business Network Association, Hungary
- Research Buurgenland GmbH, Austria
- Vorarlberg University of Applied Science, Austria
- InformaticaTrentina Spa, Italy
- Economic Development Department Karlsruhe, Germany
- Vas County Authority, Hungary
- City of Pinkafeld, Austria
- City of Hartberg, Austria
- Košice Self-governing Region, Slovakia
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Press releases
The URBAN INNO – "Utilizing innovation potential of urban ecosystems" project Kick-off meeting took place on June 23rd 2016 in Bled, Slovenia.
URBAN INNO is a project co-funded by the Interreg Central Europe Programme, which is addressing the challenge to make Central Europe more innovative and competitive by maximizing the innovation potential of smaller and medium sized urban ecosystems. A significantly better linkage of actors within urban innovation ecosystems is needed for a better use of innovation potentials. Therefore, URBAN INNO focuses on maximizing innovation potentials of urban ecosystems through establishment of quadruple helix clusters/networks in the partner regions as well as by development and implementation of new participatory methods and tools to engage end-users in innovation processes with the objective to have educated and motivated users – SMART USERS.
URBANN INNO will be implemented in project partner`s urban ecosystems in Central Europe with strong replication potential in similar-sized cities in EU. 5 new quadruple-helix networks will be established in partnership regions, and 6 regional/urban innovation plans developed. In parallel, new participatory methods and tools will be developed and tested in pilot projects. A transnational cooperation strategy and platform will provide all interested regions the best available participatory tools and qualified facilitators. The platform will also include the transnational analysis, the strategic plan and will be available through the project website.
All twelve partners participated in the kick-off meeting, the first official project partners meeting and the launch of the project, where implementation activities were discussed, management structures and processes as well as communication activities were agreed. The representative of the Joint Secreteriat of the Interreg Central Europe Programme Mrs. Chiara Casarella participated at the meeting, presenting general rules and obligations for partners during the project implementation.