Project information
PROJECT TITLE: Climate Resilient Communities of Central Europe
Like the rest of the world, Central Europe is facing many challenges related to climate change.
The main challenge of the MISSION CE CLIMATE project is to overcome the disjointed sectoral responses to climate change, by introducing a coordinated, cross-sectoral approach that puts local/regional authorities at the centre of the governance and management of climate resilience process.
The overall objective is to support communities in Central Europe to become resilient to climate change and to enable them to respond in a coordinated way to the processes caused by climate change. The project will build sustainable systems (community climate missions) and capacities in communities (integrated strategy, local action plans, solutions).
The project approach is innovative as it puts into practice a concept conceived by the European Commission in the context of “A Climate Resilient Europe” Mission, by putting into practice a coordinated cross-sectoral approach.
The project's intended outcomes are:
- Establishment of climate resilience systems in partner communities (Community Climate Missions) supported by a common 2030 Climate Resilience Strategy (definition of actions, business models, financing mechanisms) and locally tailored action plans (project portfolio approach);
- Enhancing community capacity to adapt to climate change with new skills and tools;
- Activated citizens contributing to community climate resilience through increased awareness and capacity (tools, etc.);
- Solutions developed through pilot projects that respond to community adaptation challenges.
- University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, AT
- City of Dornbirn, AT
- Technical University of Kosice, SK
- City of Košice, SK
- Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia, IT
- City of Lignano Sabbiadoro, IT
- Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar; HR
- Split-Dalmatia County, HR
- Regional development agency for Podravje – Maribor; SI
- Municipality of Maribor, SI
- Krumedia, DE
PROJECT BUDGET: 2,12 million EUR, EBRD co-financing: 80%
Project duration: 04.2023 – 03.2026
This project is co-funded by the European Union |